Crack Healing In Hydration Concrete

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These 1. 0 Inventions From 2. Can Impact the Lives of Millions in India. Love reading positive news Help The Better India grow. Support our endeavor to become every Indians source of daily inspiring positive news. Crack Healing In Hydration Concrete' title='Crack Healing In Hydration Concrete' />Crack Healing In Hydration ConcreteHistory Roman concrete. The ancient Romans used a form of lime mortar that has been found to have selfhealing properties. Geologist Marie Jackson and her colleagues. The online version of Construction and Building Materials at ScienceDirect. Read FAQs. Inventions are not everyones cup of tea. They require observation, passion, patience, and perseverance. More than anything else, they need gumption and hard work. However, truly transformative inventions happen when idealism meets the incredible ideas of people who question the status quo, who defy logic, and those who love to take the road less travelled. Crack Healing In Hydration Concrete' title='Crack Healing In Hydration Concrete' />The year 2. From solar trees to self repairing roads, these inventions have the potential to dramatically impact the way people live. Heres a list of 2. Indias most pressing problems. Surya. Gen Solar Water Purifier. Developed by IISc. Suryagen Renewables, this open source solar water purifier can transform water from any source be it from sea, river, pond, wells, or even water collected from rain into potable water. The low cost device can also provide clear drinking water in areas where the only sources are contaminated with arsenic, fluoride or sewage. Mac Serials'>Mac Serials. In this device, impure water is evaporated using solar energy and the vapours are condensed to pure water on a cold surface. This leaves behind bacteria, heavy metals, arsenic, fluoride and other impurities. It can effectively produce 1. Envigreen Edible Bags. India has been moving away from plastics for many years and many cities have already issued plastic bag bans. While legislation like this helps to protect our environment and wildlife, a young entrepreneur, Ashwath Hegde, noticed that it was a hardship for many Indians. People were concerned bout how they would carry products from the market now. Everyone cannot afford a bag worth Rs. Rs. 1. 5 to carry a kilogram of sugar, says Hegde. So he decided to come up with a solution that would be sustainable and affordable. He eventually landed on a combination of natural starch from potato and tapioca and vegetable oils to make a bag that looks and feels just like plastic with none of the negative environmental impacts of a plastic vessel. Envi. Greens bags will naturally degrade in 1. Oh and also these bags are edible. This means that when animals encounter non degraded bags, they can eat them with no adverse effects. Read More Here. 3. Self Repairing Roads. Nemkumar Bhantia, a professor in the Civil Engineering Department at University of British Columbia UBC in the Canada, has developed roads that are self repairing and sustainable. Built used ultra high strength concrete and special fibres developed at UBC, the first such road in Karnataka is not only cost effective, but has greater longevity. Unlike the typical concrete road, in which cement is a key component, Banthias self repairing road uses 6. The fibres used have a hydrophilic nano coating, which attract water in the event of rains. New insights into autogenous selfhealing in cement paste based on nuclear magnetic resonance NMR tests. The water then becomes a key component in healing cracks. When a crack appears, this water gives hydration capability to the un hydrated cement, and produces more silicates, which actually close the crack before they grow larger. Ulta Chaata Harvester. A couple passionate about conservation, Samit and Priya Choksis first product is Ulta Chaata, an indigenous patented system that smartly converges rainwater harvesting and generation of renewable energy for open spaces in smart cities, industries, or large campuses. Visual Foxpro Serial Communication Rs232. A single unit of Ulta Chata can help you harvest upto 1. Kw. Ulta Chaata is basically a canopy that captures rain water and then filters it using an integrated 5 step filtration unit. Taps fitted to the storage tank allows users to get purified drinking water. It also works as a solar electricity generation system to provide lighting at night and charge devices. It is also Io. T Internet of Things enabled, to collect useful environmental data. Cane based Prosthetic Limbs. Bengaluru start up, Rise Legs, has come up with a prosthetic leg for amputees made of cane, which is not only light but much more affordable too. Conventional low cost prostheses in India, made of rubber wood or plastic, are often rigid, heavy and cumbersome, which makes walking and high level activities difficult for the user. Modern prostheses, while flexible, are made of material like carbon fibre and Kevlar that make them far too expensive for most amputees in India. Brainchild of Arun Cherian, a roboticist and engineer, who noticed how cane furniture was made by bending the stem in such beautiful shapes that could also hold human weight. Impressed by the pliability, strength and spring like quality of the cane, Cherian had one question Can you make a leg out of cane Collaborating with a local cane artist, Rahman Abdul, Cherian created legs with which people can not just walk, but also run, play and dance, said the Rise Legs founder in a video that subsequently went viral, with more than 2. We all love those garden ornaments, but they can be pretty expensive anywhere you look. Here at TGG we decided to make our own DIY concrete garden globes, and it. Compressive strength of concrete after early loading 1 Peter Claisse MA, PhD, CEng, FICE Professor of Construction Materials, Faculty of Engineering and. Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. Most concretes used are limebased concretes. The year 2016 saw many ingenious inventions that have the potential to dramatically impact and improve the lives of Indians in many ways. Selfhealing concrete can timely heal the cracks in itself through autogenous or autonomous approaches, which can increase the durability and regain strength of concrete. Also Read These 8 IISc Inventions Will Make You Proud of Indias Innovations in Science and Technology. Low Cost Wind Turbines. Avant Garde Innovations, the startup founded by siblings Arun and Anoop George from Kerala, has come up with a low cost wind turbine that can generate enough electricity to power an entire house for a lifetime. The size of a ceiling fan, this wind turbine can generate 5 k. Local Tv Listings Zip Code Comcast there. Whk. W per day and cost less than an iphone The company launched its pilot project at a church in the capital city of Thiruvananthapuram in January this year. The small wind turbine prototype that it has developed is highly scalable for power capacities of 3. W or even higher. This revolutionary product has also won them a spot in the Top 2. Cleantech Innovations in India. No Fuel Plough. Representational image. A farmer in Banda in Uttar Pradesh, 5. Ram Prasad upcycled an old bicycle to make a low cost plough, and then inspired his neighbours to do the same. During a drought year, he had to sell his bullock to feed his family. Without his bullock and less money to maintain tractors and such equipment, times were difficult. Realising that all these factors only burdened farmers with rising costs and no returns, he decided to find an economical way to sustain farming. It took him seven years to experiment with various materials. He finally got a breakthrough by converting an old cycle he found in his backyard, with some pieces of iron, into a plough. With a single wheel, front and rear handles, and three diggers attached to it, the machine does not require fuel such as diesel or kerosene to operate. It also costs only Rs 3. Read more here. 8. Solar Power Tree. Developed by the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute CSIR CMERI, the Solar Power Tree generates the same amount of electricity as a conventional array enough to light up 5 homes, but on a much smaller plot of land. With photovoltaic panels placed at different levels on branches made of steel, solar trees could dramatically reduce the amount of land needed to develop solar parks. Solar power trees are also capable of harnessing 1. The tree charges a battery backup system that can provide two hours of light after sunset on a full charge. The solar tree is also self cleaning, with a built in water sprinkler to clear any debris that would interfere with efficiency. Dew. Drop Water from Air Condenser. Jawwad Patel, a 2. Hyderabad has designed a 3.